Sunday, 31 August 2014

Taiwanese religious ceremony

Again .... its been an interesting day ... didn't do speed walking this morning as my toes have got blisters between them! ... i think it comes from showering 3 times a day .... however i still have a little lavender gell left (Danny (the other volunteer ripped half his big toe nail off so I put some gell on a tissue held on by the white medical sellotape ... 24 hours later he described it's healing effects as miraculous and indeed it was!) however I was up and about at 5.30 so went out on my bike ... headed in a direction haven't been to before ... pretty but not spectacular .. then came back and had real coffee and a bowl of oats with full cream milk (good for putting weight back on so I understand) then went out again in the opposite direction but stopped after 5 minutes as there was a Chinese ceremony 'happening' and at first I took photos and a video but then I got so engrossed as it became more symbolic with chanting .. incense and the members participating that it seemed crass to carry on snapping so I stopped ... shortly afterwards someone provided me with a seat and I sat spellbound as one of the dancers went into a trance and started shaking and speaking out and I noticed that some of the members were close to tears  ..  then they all went fifty yards up the road with their 'ship' and after more chanting etc the members started taking pics so I did as well and then they set fire to the ship after which it was back to the dining room with vast quantities of fruit and I was made to feel so welcome throughout the entire time in spite of my lack of the language that I came close to tears but left with others at an appropriate moment and reflected upon how lucky I am to be here! ....
Sorry about the abysmal quality of the video ... blame it on blogger! 


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Taiwan .. thoughts .. impressions and photos of Taichung

When I first started planning this trip I never even thought about Taiwan but how glad I am that I'm here and in the second biggest city of Taichung.    I have been getting over food poisoning contracted in Malaysia and struggling since then to regain digestive normalcy and although the  workaway project is beset by problems which I'm unsure how they are going to work out, the  nine days that I have been here and able to get out and wander about have been very positive and enjoyable.   The Taiwanese as a race are unbelievably hard working but once work is over they appear to be as determined to enjoy themselves as they are to work.   Having lived in France for the last ten years and appreciated french cuisine it has come as a surprise to find that the Taiwanese have just as much appreciation of food and eating as the french albeit their supply method is street vendors rather than restaurants but for  just a few euros one can eat really well with a wide variety of choice and tastes. (interestingly I have read that the Taiwanese diet is very low in fibre although generally they have a slim physique)  As a race they are very much family orientated as were the Malaysian's and the phrase "the English prefer their pets to their children" has often gone through my mind! far I have never seen a child being smacked shaken or scolded and yet children generally are extremely well behaved and polite to the extent that two young men of sixteen or so who I had approached to ask help with a map insisted on showing me to the bus stop ... getting on and then off when we had reached the  appropriate street and then walking with me until I recognised the building where I am staying.  Two days later I happened to get into conversation with a local man who was teaching at the high school where these two young men were students and I related this story to which he commented that their actions were not unique and the level of helpfulness they had shown was only what he would have expected them to do.  

Today (Sunday) I have been to the Taichung botanical gardens which to quote a phrase has been "like an oasis of calm in the urban jungle" ... on the way I walked through a back street market with a difference being that not only was it jammed with people but scooters as well! 

Street market with a difference!
Theft is rare in Taiwan
Inside the botanical garden greenhouse
I got in for free as I'm over sixty
This display of offerings to ancestors is opposite a Chinese temple and on a plaque it reads "glorify the kind spirit in traditional culture, be merciful especially to the poor and needy,  know right from wrong and lead your life with this in mind, cultivate a peaceful land in your heart"
View of Taichung from my bedroom window
We are on the 19th floor
Does anyone know if this true?
It's rather lucky I've lost a lot of weightThree lanes of traffic on either side!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Wandering around!

At one point before I left France someone asked me what I was going to do in Malaysia and I replied "just wander about"!  below are a few photos taken while doing exactly that. For some reason the text below the car won't display so it was going to say that in UK this MG would be worth a fortune! 

There are lots of restaurant halls in Malaysia with different proprietors offering different food
This was my choice for breakfast today total cost £0.40
Sunset on the beach just fifty yards away
Beginning of the Penang National Park
Pork bun, hot cucumber with spices & the local coffee ... total cost £0.80
The local fishing fleet
Washing up area at my favourite restaurant
Where rich kids go to play
My next garden!
Fortunately very expensive!
One day when I was wandering about an Indian family insisted I came to share in their festival
One morning a Chinese street vendor apeared selling these pancakes which were exceedingly good
Believe it or not these are flowers
The front garden often becomes a cafe
More stunning flowers 
Local Chinese cemetery
Hammock heaven! 
More stunning ....
Traditional house
While swimming in the sea yesterday I watched a very touching little ceremony whereby some members of this place of worship (I think Bahai) were wading fully clothed into the sea to 'launch' small bundles of flowers. 

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Walking in Penang National Park

I made my second visit to the Penang national park today and walked a different trail ... although its arduous walking it really is stunning and this time I had the pleasure of meeting up with some monkeys who were hanging around a bridge.  As I hope you will deduce from the photos the jungle comes right down to the sea and once you get into the jungle itself the paths are a good mix of artifical and natural. The walk took me to the other side of the island where the turtles nest (unfortunately none were around and I sat on the beach and eat my lunch which consisted of half a kilo of the small local bananas which are really delicious and the bottle of water which I had refilled at the hostel.   When I got back I was drenched with sweat which is normal during the day over here and  probably accounts for why my weight is down to sixty kilos!

There is more information about the park here