Leaving the yoga centre was more sad than I had imagined it would be ... having been there just a month it never occurred to me that the friendships formed in such a short period of time could be so strong. This was particularly so with the two Malaysian women .. one Chinese (volunteer) and one Hindu (long stay visitor) who were without a doubt the most hardworking of all of us. For some reason the three of us clicked mostly because we were usually last to leave the kitchen after washing up even if was not our turn to do so. They were both at a turning point in their lives and they both had to break many taboos and boundaries of their own culture simply to come but they both were of the opinion that it had been a good experience and felt that they would take the next step in their lives following their dreams as well as the wishes of their parents. On our last evening together the three of us plus a Brazilian chap who had become my very innovative assistant went out to the local cafe for iced drinks and the two women gave me cards with heartwarming comments about our time spent together. We have exchanged email addresses and I really hope that we keep in touch. .... For me the other inspirational experience has been in meeting so many young European women (18 - 25) who are travelling on a budget throughout south east asia on their own as I am. Most state that the comments .. whistles etc which they receive from young men have been no worse and often less so than in their own respetive countries .... when I remember my own anxiety and fears before I set out they now seem rather embarrassing in comparison to what these young women are doing .... Fortunately I had managed to accomplish most of the list of jobs I was asked to undertake at the centre including getting a toilet to drain properly which hadn't done so for many months!!
I left the yoga centre at 9.30 by taxi to Sugnai Petani .. a short wait and then an hours bus ride to Butterworth .. another short wait to catch the ferry to Georgetown and finally the number 101 bus to the home of my next workaway host who greeted me enthusiastically and effusively in that all American way.!! After a minimalist lunch of potato salad (I wondered where the protein was!) we got in the car for the half hour ride to the beach to see the cattery which it was hoped I would be able to turn into a palace! .... on the way there the conversation turned to "where are the local suppliers of building materials" and at this point it emerged that 'my host' hadn't got any money to buy materials due to a mix up in bank transfers .... hmm !!! ... still we carried on and arrived at the beach where the shed plus the sea with small local fishing boats bobbing about convinced me that maybe a miracle would occur and something might happen in the way of restoration and repair ... I was formerly introduced to all the cats by name having been solemnly informed that my host believed in having a close and personal relationship with all her thirty odd moggies ! ... and then returned to the town house where I was then informed that she was leaving in one week to take up permanent residence at the cat house ... hmm !! (nothing about this in our correspondence .!) dinner was spaghetti with a meatless sauce (having just had a month of vegetarian food with no meat, onions garlic etc I confess to a little disappointment !) Next morning was spent in loading the car with cats .. tools (minimal) an old step which the host hoped I would be able to use for making the current staircase less lethal and generally fulfilling the role of lackey ... hmm!! ... Still eventually we got going and upon arrival I got going to try and do something with the step which eventually I managed but let's hope the building inspector never pays a surprise visit!! I volunteered to stop the night at the cattery and after an evening swim and local curry I was feeling very positive. Next day I continued with the list of work which could be done without going shopping and managed to coble together secure fastenings to doors and windows and mend a table lamp ... again after an evening swim and some local curry etc etc .. I went to bed that night hoping the financial problems could be resolved and my host would give up trying to convince me of her feminine charms!! .. (she had seemed particuarly interested in the fact that I had sold my house!!) ..... While swimming I remember thinking that it was hotter than usual but thought no more about it .... at three o'clock in the morning I woke to the most amazing and awe inspiring thunderstorm with continuous sheet lightening.. literally howling winds and rain falling like I have never seen before ..... then I began to realise that water was also pouring through the roof ... the cats were going berserk and overturning water and food bowls ... I then trod in several pools of vomit and when I started to climb back into bed i realised that one of the cats had shit on my sheet .... next morning i discovered that my rucksack with all my clothes was saturated .... the vast quantity of food left out by the host (for the cats) the night before was swimming in water .... there was no food in the house for breakfast ... (the workaway deal is the host provides three meals a day and when I tried to focus on what work I could get on with after I had cleaned up everywhere it was apparent that nothing could happen as there was no money to buy materials ... with some, but not much guilt I phoned the host and told her I was quitting and now I'm round the corner in a quiet cheap and clean dormitory (see motel ckurtysrd photo below) enjoying the peace and also enjoying the realisation that with street vendor food and cheap accommodation I can actually have a few days holiday and be well within my budget.